Hi, how are you doing in this February? Well, I have so many tasks to do and I feel so tired. All the tasks came in the same time and had to be submitted also in the same time, while I onyl have a couple of hands, a couple of feet, and the most important, I only have a BRAIN to think and manage them ALL. Isn't that tiring? --"
But this time I don't want to tell you about that. Here, I'd like to tell you that suddenly I like FRENCH! It's too sudden, actually. It's all because of one of my friend. She post a status in Dutch. So, I got an idea to do (almost) the same thing, but in French. And I think it's totally awesome! But until right now, I just know some of French words. And Google Translate helps me, though I have to get connected with internet to know some of words'meaning. Merci, Google. ;)
And nooow, I gotta show you my French words (and still, I get the help from Google Translate. Hehe :p ). Please check it out.