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Thursday 20 March 2014

Culinary Travel Guide: Bogor!

   Nggak terasa saya sudah hampir dua tahun di Bogor. So many things I've never seen before, well, I just go around campus, Dramaga, Botani Square, nowhere else, lol. Menyedihkan memang. Bogor memang bukan kota kecil, lebih besar dari Malang dikit. Untuk mengelilingi Bogor, nggak cuman pakai satu angkot, terkadang harus sering berganti-ganti angkot. Fyi, Dramaga sendiri, yang (ternyata) bukan Bogor kota, lumayan  jauh dari berbagai tempat strategis. Nggak jauh sih sebenernya. Andaikan saja jalanannya seperti di Jember, mungkin bisa ditempuh paling lama setengah jam buat ke kota (lewat jalur Jalan Baru). Tapi karena trafficnya saja sudah sangat mengadopsi dari Ibukota Jakarta, alhasil perjalanan ke kota saja memerlukan waktu sekitar 1-2 jam. Sejam itu sudah termasuk paling sebentar.

Sunday 16 March 2014

10 Detik

10 detik
waktu yang aku butuhkan untuk mendengarmu
melemparkan senyum terakhir
bahwa aku akan melepas setengah hatiku pergi

Selamat Tinggal

Seperti tidak rela aku mengucapkan 'Selamat Tinggal' pada semesta
maaf yang terakhir kali diiringi senyuman
'Semoga Bahagia' diikuti ketulusan
Seperti Ms. Tay yang kemudian bernyanyi

Cerita Ibu

   Entahlah, setiap minggu jadi sering banget telponan sama Ibu. Sebenarnya ingin cerita sesuatu, tapi ketika mendengar suara Ibu, niat itu terhenti. Cukup mendengar suara Ibu, semua yang menjadi kekalutanku seketika menghilang. Ya, cukup mendengar suara orang yang kita sayang, rasanya kita tidak perlu mengatakan apapun, meski banyak sekali hal yang ingin kita katakan.

   Dan, selalu, topik yang seringkali Ibu bahas adalah dia dia dan dia, seperti tidak ada topik lain yang harus kami bicarakan. Ibu selalu bertanya, "Gimana kabarnya? Masa kamu nggak pernah nyoba buat tanya-tanya?"

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Pilihan dari Langit

Apa yang diucapkan langit
Ketika kamu menangis?
Lewat anginnya yang sendu
Atau gerimis yang menari merintik
Bahkan awan mengelabu, menghapus warna
Maka jadikalnlah Ia yang satu-satunya hadir
Melengkungkan pelangi di hatimu


Aku punya dia dalam napasku
Dia yang dekat dan mengikat
Dia yang berdetak dalam dada
Dia yang membanjiriku dengan syukur tak terhabiskan
Dia dengan seribu cara mengisi seluruh rongga
Kemudian menjadikanku hidup penuh warna

Monday 10 March 2014


   It's been 17 years ago when my dad captured her picture. Yes, it's long long time ago and I don't feel I was this cute, lol. But it's true. I don't remember much about my toddler moment, I just remember quite a lot when I went to school for the first time. Who and how I was picked up, lost in the street with my late grandpa. Before that, I don't remember much. I just remember how I was really close to my father, we almost played together everytime. Laughing so much, and I love him so much at that time. It was the time when I found so much fun, without thinking about how dangerous something is. Time was something I never considered. At least, I was happy and that was all.

   The first ten years is just about introduction.

Ada Kalanya

   Lately, I go to bed right after pray Isha' at 8 pm and then wake up at midnight. It's for nothing but all the stuffs you call PAPER. Right, now I'm truly the college student. Going to the campus early at 7 am, finishing all the course until 5 pm, having a workgroup or meeting until Isha', going to bed, wake up at midnight, and paper-ing. How tiring, but I enjoy it much. At least, I won't let my mind go down for some reason. Well, unimportant reason, that shouldn't be in my mind.
   And these days, I have been stuck with K-Drama that Fitria has been given to me. At first, it seemed so indescribable, confusing. But, after I "eat" all of the story, I was amazed. Another K-Drama that has made me a little... well, you know kinda girl's stuff, lol. If he knows about this thing, he will absolutely scold me, errr.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

What Do You Think The Best? Vote Here!

   My blog is underconstructed, and I feel so stuck! Well, I really need your help, guys.

   So, I always use a signature in the end of my posts. And, I thought of make a new one. But, suddenly I confuse. I've made one, but I do like the old one. But, I think the last one is... well, good enough. And I really need you help to VOTE.

My Simplest Happiness

   Simply life, indeed, makes you happy, that's why you may call with The Simple Happiness. Yes, being happy is just simple, bahagia itu sederhana.

   Everyone may have their own pleasure for their own happiness. For me, happiness is being so grateful of my life.

Monday 3 March 2014

Happy. Scared. Sad.

  That alhamdulillah finally I could make it: meeting with my oldest best friend, spending an all-day together in my lovely homeland.
   That's the first thing. Second thing, I met my little cute nephews for the first time. They're so kawaii. Ahsan and Azzam are their name, two toddlers who are so noisy, but they're truly smart because their gens from their parents that are doctors. I also met my older sister and my aunty. And I think that's still not pretty enough.
   Honestly, I can tell you more about my holiday trip from Bogor to Surabaya, since it was really a "nice" trip ever compared to the others. That it was different-but-thank-God. And yes, my train is trapped in floods. I was almost late. Waiting and everything was delayed. Alone and then met someone. I really should grateful what I got at the time, Allah never leaves me alone.


   I know I'm not so productive these days, beside I have so many things to do, I just have relax time at weekend. I'm so sad when I look into my archive, and I found no more than 10 posts here. Beside my business, my connection seems so !@#$%^ that I couldn't finish my works, and they're just beautifully saved in the garage. I mean my draft. So irritable.

   And, yes! My blog is underconstructed~