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Monday 24 May 2010

My Love Story Part 1

   Sometimes I feel so awkward when I see my ex-boyfriends. Well, actually they weren't my boyfriend yet. I liked them, one of them is my first love. Just call them Troy and Chad (I made those name based on HSM characters. :P)


   This guy is my first love. Well, I had loved him for 7 years and was ended on last October. I had admired him for a long time. My life felt like full of tears and longing. Yeah, it sucked. But I don't know how I could stand for a long time, stayed to fall in love although I didn't get what people say with The Happiness of Love. Nope, I didn't get it. Nevertheless, my heart couldn't be opened by another guy. I only felt yearned. Well, we were in different Junior High School. But finally I could end all my feelings because of 3rd and 4th people. He had a beautiful girlfriend and finally I had someone who could cure me from my troyisme, I called him Chad.

   I met him only a month before finally I liked him. I liked him because he could cure me from troyisme and he could make me laugh all the time. I used to wait for his jokes. He is so friendly, one who is easy to talk to. He's really like my brother, but my brother much funnier than him. We had been closed for a few weeks before finally he asked me to make him closer with one of my friend. Honestly that was a big knock for me. But I could stand and told myself to not give up. And I didn't give up until finally, I don't know why, he seemed he wants to take a distance from me. That's my biggest knock. Until now.

   Well, I've tried to forget what I used to feel in the past. I don't want to remember all of the memorizes I've ever had. It sucks, especially when I remember a nice memorize. I know I have to get up from my dreams, from my pasts. I have to look forward for my better life. There's still a lot of dreams I have to catch up soon, if I want to be successful. I don't wanna fall in a same place twice. That's why I have to forget it. Nope, I MUST forget it all! And I'll take a big effort to do that because it fells like like I across what my heart used to feel. And I always cry. God, please make me stronger.  :') .

   I know I'm stronger. I know I can face it, head it. I'm survive from love suffer. But sometimes I'm tempted to text one of my boyfriend. If he is Troy, I can stand. If Chad, I don't know I can stand or not. He is so confusing. He seems not like me anymore, but why he still wants to keep in touch with me? That's annoying me. But whatever it is, I have to close my love story part 1 and I shouldn't open it again and over again. Well, I have to build my love story part 2 soon. :-)

   Honestly, I found so many quotes of love. But I can't write it here right now because I have to select the best one. Maybe on next post. ;-)

   Whatever it is, I have to close my love story part 1 and keep smiling for my better life. I shouldn't be crying again and seemed sad or frustrate because of love. I still have a lot of friends that always give me support. Thousands kisses and hugs for you guys! xoxoxo . :-*

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