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Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Learning From The Lost Sandals

   Couple days ago, I heard someone lost her sandals in front of my dorm. She used to leave her sandals on the shoe rack in front of the dorm, and her sandals was always there. But, she found it gone from its place once in a cold morning.
   Well, her sandals were unique and nobody has the same sandals as hers. She was looking for her sandals everywhere, but she couldn't find it. Until she finally surrendered. She was trying to sincerely let it go. And luckily, she still had one more a pair of sandals in her room.
   Days had passed and she still couldn't find her lost sandals even if she always tried to looking for it on the shoe racks.
   And, one night...

   She had just went home from her activity. It was almost 9 p.m., almost midnight. And the rain was falling heavily. There was a social gathering in my dorm's lobby, so it was full of children when she came back to the dorm. And then, she went to the back door of the dorm, but it was locked inside. She tried to call her roommate to opened the back door, but there was no signal. Until she met one of her friend who had also just coming back from the same activity with her. Her friend also wanted to pass the back door, but poor them it was locked. Then, her friend asked her to go back to the front door. When the girl walked, she found her sandals! She felt so happy but also had a lot of question, who brought them there and why should her sandals. And when she was waiting in the front door, her roommate finally opened the back door and she finally could enter the dorm from the back door.
   She was so happy because finally she found her lost sandals, so she washed it up. And when she washed it through the water, she realized something:
When we just let something that is gone or lost from our life go sincerely, if we are truly made for each other, if we are destined,  it will be back to us. No matter how long and how far we are separated away. When it's good for us or it's the best for us, we will meet someday, we will find each other.

   And I'm learning from it. I have experienced losing something I care the most. Yeah, it's a bit hard to let them go, especially when you always go with it or it's your world. But, when you sincerely let it go and you pray for the best, then God always listens to your heart. If it's good for you, it'll be back to you. And it's true!
   God never separated you with something, or maybe someone, that is the best for you. You'll meet them. You'll find them someday, and it's not NOW, it's SOMEDAY. Just pray for the best for you.
   We will be happy on the right time. God has His note for your life, now is your turn to keep believing only in Him. Allah always has His greatest plan for you. No matter what, just believe in Him.

   I'm learning it and I'm realizing it. I'm keeping on my mind.

   And my experience losing my sandals is teaching me a lot how to be braver, how to be more patient, how to be more excepting the truth that is now existed.

Allah never sleeps. When it's good for us or it's the best for us, we will meet someday, we will find each other.

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